Monday, April 18, 2011

Yummy Homemade Pizza

Buffalo Chicken - Matt's Favorite

Bacon & Pepperoni

Mushroom & Bacon - My favorite

We have been working on perfecting our homemade pizza's and i think we got it pretty close on Saturday night. We learned about these from a our friends Nealey & Walt. We love making them and trying different stuff. Saturday we had some friends over to enjoy it with us. Here are the three we made. They were delicious!!!


We found out last week that we are going to be welcoming another sweet boy into our family! We could not be happier. Matt was right - he called it from the beginning. Everything is going great and the little guy looks very healthy. Now, we have to find a name...this is much harder for us this go round. There are a few we are deciding on so as soon as we know i will post it!